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Science books and art

Under the business name Nerdy Baby, I create books, art, toys, and other gift items that celebrate science with beauty and light-hearted humor. I handle everything from concept to design, content, execution, and distribution. These beloved items have made their way into popular catalogs like Think Geek, Zulily, and UncommonGoods, and have been sold in the gift shops of some of my favorite places on earth: Boston's Museum of Science, the Houston Museum of Natural Science, Exploratorium, and the American Museum of Natural History which famously contains live dinosaurs. Here are some of my favorite products.

Kindle Books

Kindle books!

Flash Cards ABCs

Flash cards!

Amazing Earth poster series

Our planet is so amazing!

Coloring Book

A coloring and activity book for young scientists

The Human Infant Project (Baby book)

Baby keepsake book, with a scientific twist.

Flash Cards 123s!

Zero degrees! One electron!

Pat Schrodinger's Kitty

This children's classic will bring back warm memories for those who remember the "Pat the" series. Lift the flap to find hidden bosons! Explore the nature of photons! Try to catch a neutrino!

More Art Prints

I made a lot of different art prints about different science concepts. Some of them go viral from time to time, and it's really neat to run across them in the wild.

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